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VFC Information
Vaccines for Children - Arkansas

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Map- Private Clinics- VFC Reginal Representative 10.2024_Page_2.jpg

Northwest Region West

Carolyn Robinson:

870-446-2216 (o)  479-790-8250 (c)

Newton County LHU

Northwest Region Central

Dorie Owen:

870-448-3374 (o) 479-287-8674 (c)

Searcy County LHU

Northeast Region

Allison Pinkley:

870-933-4585 (o) 870-219-7597 (c)

Craighead County LHU

Central Region

Alicia Clark:

501-624-3394 (o) 501-249-8485 (c)

Garland County LHU

Southeast Region

Jamie Henderson:

870-367-6234 (o) 870-224-1439 (c)

Drew County LHU

Southwest Region

Susan Carter:

479-394-1597 (o) 870-807-0601 (c)

Polk County LHU

VFC State Coordinator

Nora Fawcett: 

 501-661-2170 (o)  501-355-7006 (c)

Immunization Program Help Desk

Main Line: 501-574-4040

(For immunization and WebIZ questions only)

VFC 2_2025 Map.jpg

(Click map to download)

Arkansas VFC Immunization Providers by county. The Local Health Units are the only VFC Providers in 9 of the 75 counties.

VFC Enrollment

​The goal of the Arkansas Department of Health is to ensure that your VFC program is successful. Therefore, it is essential for VFC providers to have a clear understanding of the VFC program. VFC providers are responsible for conducting vital functions such as determining VFC eligibility, monitoring vaccine storage and handling, administering vaccines, and preventing vaccine loss.

VFC Benefits

Many parents can’t afford to pay for vaccines on their own. Being a VFC Program provider is a sound investment in your practice and your patients’ health.  Here are some of the benefits of participating in the VFC Program:

  • The VFC Program provides all routine vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

  • Reduces your up-front costs because you will not have to pay to purchase vaccines for VFC Program-eligible children.

  • Enables your patients to get the vaccines they need during routine appointments at their regular physician’s office.

  • Helps provide quality care to vulnerable children and adolescents.

  • Enrolling in the VFC Program is simple.

New Providers


​If you are interested in becoming a VFC provider, please enroll your facility and users in the Arkansas WebIZ live website via the WebIZ Ticketing System. Links have been provided below:

•    New WebIZ Facility Enrollment

•    New WebIZ User Enrollment


Once that has been completed, you will have access to add and complete a New VFC Enrollment under Clinic Tools in WebIZ.


Required Documents Must Be Completed Prior to Approval:

  • Vaccine Management Plan

  • Digital Data Loggers Certificates of Calibrations

  • Temperature Recording log- The Vaccine Coordinators must twice a day, manually record 5-days of temperatures that must include a weekend; however, it is not necessary to records the temps on your closed days. The minimum and maximum must be recorded once a day, as well. This recording process must continue throughout your VFC participation.

Annual VFC Enrollment

  • Annual VFC enrollments must be submitted at the beginning of each Fiscal Year (July 1st through June 30th of the following year) via the Clinic Tool Module in WebIZ.

  • Open enrollment for the annual VFC recertification begins on July 1st and closes on August 30th of every year. Failure to comply may result in a temporary suspension of vaccine ordering.

  • Vaccine Coordinators must complete the You Call the Shots training:


Vaccine Information Sheets (VIS)

It is required by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act for VFC Provider to provide a VIS to the parent of legal representative of any child to whom the provider intends to administer such vaccine.

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